Veggie Seed Packs
I am late planting my vegetable garden this year. So many things to do around here that I just get so far behind. Usually my "cold crops" get direct seeded into my main raised bed garden during the first week of April, but this year I delayed until just a couple of days ago. My excuse and my reason, was that I misplaced (still can't find it) my collection of various seeds that I have gathered over the past several years. I've looked all over my home and my storage spaces in the garage and in the sheds. Couldn't find my seed collection anywhere. So I had to order more seeds, fresh ones, from my favorite garden supply outlet Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply
That took some time and then I took more time getting the seeds into the ground. I had many excuses. Too busy, too cold, wasn't in the mood, had to go out of town to see the new baby... lots of reasons/excuses.
Anyway, I finally got some of the seeds planted into my garden. You can see the variety of seeds that I planted in the seed packet photo above. I have planted carrots, radishes, two kinds of beets, spinach, several kinds of lettuce, mesclun, chard, cabbage, broccoli and snow peas so far.
Do you remember that purple onion that decided to start growing on my kitchen windowsill awhile back? Well, I carefully divided it up into four growing baby onion plants that then grew lots of roots in a jar of water on my patio table until I planted it amongst the beets and carrots this week. Onions and root crops are good companion plants. They encourage each other to grow.
I didn't include a picture of my garden in this post because, well, it just looks like a patch of dirt at this point, with a few onion tops showing. I'll post a photo later on in the season.
Now I need to get going on my warm weather crops. I am running out of time for them. Mother Nature does not want to wait for me!
I love my garden. I find solace there.
© Copyright 2008 Mountain Harvest Basket
I see you were up late thinking about your gardening again. The errant seeds will show up, in the fridge behind the soy milk maybe so they would stay fresh through the Winter.
The weather is still somewhat unpredictable here in the mountains, it was right at freezing again this morning and a good thing I tented my tender basil I planted too early. I should have kept it warm and cozy inside the house for a while longer.
Wasn't that actually my purple onion donated to your composting efforts? And you seem to have given it a growing purpose again.
You introduced me to gardening, and like you say, it is definitely a form of solace and meditation. Feeling the warm earth in your hands has a uniqueness all of its own, making one feel very connected with Nature. I really like the wiggly worms to, but then I am just a boy at heart.
No Bob, My missing seeds will not show up in my fridge, and there is no soy milk in there at the moment either. They are somewhere here in my clutter.
My sprouting purple onion was one of an organic bunch that I purchased at Trader Joe's late last Fall. I had too many to eat fast enough or even give away, and it decided to make babies instead. Survival of the fittest allium...
Well, my potatoes are planted, as is a small bed of peas and 1 row of radishes. I checked yesterday (squealing about the wet and cold the whole way) and the peas are starting to poke up and the radishes are growing like mad. That didn't take long. With the weather as crappy as it is, I may just miss the majority of the growing season - (but I'll be watching it from my kitchen window) - I'm *such* a weather weenie - Not a good attribute for a farm girl.
You got a lot planted...I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the sprouting! :-)
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