Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Take Care of Yourself

On the road to the "big" city

Sometimes when you live in a rural area, you must leave it and drive for quite some distance for goods and services that are not available in your local community. That includes medical services. Happily, I don’t go to the doctor very often, usually only for well-woman checkups once or twice per year.

Yesterday I ventured forth down and out of the mountains and into the flatlands of the “big” city some 40 miles to the south. It was my day for my mammogram screening and my first ever bone scan. (I am of “that” age now) So I went quite a distance to have these medical services and take care of my physical self. Something I need to pay more attention to as I haven’t been feeling all that well lately. I still have that darned head cold that I mentioned a few days ago. It just makes me so tired and grumpy.

The photo above is a view from the car traveling down to my appointments yesterday. So here’s to us all nurturing and taking better care of ourselves. Below is a daffodil update to nurture our spirits.

Daffodils think it's Spring!


Danni said...

Isn't it funny how we frequently let our own well-being and health take a back seat to all the other "stuff" that needs to be attended to? Glad to hear that you're paying attention to your health and checking out the reasons for the lingering cold...stress is my guess. It's a horrible thing.
I love daffodils - this was a particularly pretty picture with the sunshine and all. It made me smile. :-)

Farmer Jen said...

Hi Danni,
Thank you for your nurturing. I need all that I can get. Yes, stress does seem to affect my health a lot more now than it did when I was younger. I am still learning to make time for myself and to relax.

The daffodils always make me smile too. I am glad you enjoyed them. The bunch in the photo are always the first to bloom, I think because they get the most morning sun.

Hardware Bob said...

I am glad you're back safely from the big city, the daffies were beautiful.
Mine are about to emerge as well after a long and very cold Winter. I love the signs of Springtime, gives me hope and makes me feel warm inside. Can't wait for your next posting.

Farmer Jen said...

Hi Bob,
Thanks for compliments on my flowers. I know your own garden will be beautiful this year. I love spring too!